Environment Definition for Kids, an easy definition

Are you confused that how to explain the meaning of environment to kids? There is a very easy and mindful rule of explaining meaning or definition of anything which you think is difficult.

Before telling the kids the meaning or definition of environment you must learn the basic rule of understanding the definition and meaning.

Definition or meaning

Definition is a short statement the tells the exact meaning of a word: what meaning or information does it possess.

Environment definition for kids, definition

Any definition or meaning consists of two parts: that one is class, and other one is characteristics.

The first portion of the statement of definition tells about the class of the corresponding word. While it is a living thing, non-living, place, person, condition, circumstance, liquid, gas, solid, abstract, etc. For example, we choose the word 'environment'. Now, we should classify that what is environment? Is it a person, place, thing, idea, circumstance, object, or a collection of thing?

At this point, we select suitable words from the above as question which exhibit the existence of environment or tell the category of it. For example, environment is a circumstance, object, or condition.

The first part of the definition of environment is justified, now comes the second part of the definition: characteristics.

As above we classified the word environment within circumstance, object, and condition, but it is the time to know the characteristics of a circumtance, object, and condition. However there are hundreds of thousands of circumstances, object, and condition, but everything has a specific characteristics. For example, both a book and computer are object but each has a specific characteristic that distinguishes them from each other. As there are myriad of circumstance or condition but each has its unique identity.

Environment Definition or Meaning

1. Environment is a condition, object or circumstance by which is one surrounded.

2. Environment is a complex of physical, chemical, biotic things: climate, temperature, water soil, etc. that act upon a living thing


     The definition of environment for kids: “the physical surrounding of any living thing plants, animals, insects, and men is called their environment." And the environment affects the life of them.
     Dear kids, do you know?The physical surrounding of living and non-living things is an environment. Which is the room, table, and much more other stuff in your room are part of your environment. Inevitably, they have affected your life.

Environment definition for kids, environment meaning for kids,

        Supposedly, in the backyard of the house, you have a basketball ground. Daily you spent hours practicing some difficult tricks and techniques. Subsequently, you will master them at some point, and find yourself performing flawlessly.
On the other hand, the same age child living in a house of a software engineer, where he is surrounded by different machines and software. And a curiosity of learning develops in the child, that how the machine and software work together. Then, he or she spends time learning the facts behind the functions of machines and software. In the end, the kid will master the commanding software.
      As you see, two different children with contrasting physical surroundings adopted specific tendencies regarding the environment. Now, it is obvious that the environment affects the life of anyone corresponding to the physical objects around the subject. 

The environment of the earth


      The environment of the blue planet is divided into four spares and these spares are into two categories.
  • Non-living things (Abiotic)
  • Living things (Biotic)

Biotic factors: Among the four spares three falls in the abiotic category. Atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere.
Atmosphere: The gaseous layer surrounding the surface of the earth and regulate the temperature of the earth. The oxygen we breathe is from this source of environment. 
environment definition for kids

Hydrosphere: The word hydro means water and the sphere means earth. The availability of water on the planet, while present in the ocean, lake, streams, rivers, glaciers, or clouds are known as hydrosphere.

Lithosphere: The term "litho" means rock. The lithosphere is the crust of the earth and the outermost part of the mantle.
Environment definition for kids


Biotic (Living): Any sort of life present in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, or lithosphere is biotic. 

Impacts of Environment on Living things

      You may remember the above example of how the environment affects the lives of two boys which we discussed.
         Nature is running, in a smooth way, by natural laws, regarding that various ecosystems runs on the fundamental of nature. For example, a polar bear adopted the environment of south polo where the temperature reaches -60C in the winter. And a camel in Sarah desert lives with hot summer of above 40C. 
        Every specific living entity, goat, has a specific environment, but an increase in the human population has altered the environment of the earth. As global warming is the detrimental consequences of human advancement in the field of industrialization. Global warming is melting the glaciers of Polar Regions. 
       Thus the environment of the polar bear is changed and they fall in the list of endangered species. 
The extinction of various animals, plants, and insects posed by deforestation. 
       They are being extinct due to the environmental changes, because human advancement is on rapid growth, and the wildlife is unable to adopt new surroundings.
The definition of environment is the physical surrounding of anything. 

Definition of hydrosphere for kids
