Hydrosphere definition for kids


Do you know why our earth is call the blue planet? Earth is the one and only planet retaining water and that is why it known as blue planet.

Hydrosphere is the one of the segments of the earth. Definition of hydrosphere for kids: the total water present on the planet earth.

What is hydrosphere

The word hydrosphere is composed of two different words. The first part of the word is hydro that is a Latin word meaning water, and the second part is sphere that originally means a round object, but here, it talks in context of earth. That earth is spherical. And water is present on earth in excessive amount that it covers major portion of the earth which is 71%, and one of the main constituents of the earth. Both the words water and earth form the word hydrosphere.


Water, hydrosphere, kids, ocean, River,

Types of water present on earth

There are two types of water present on the planet earth, marine water and fresh water. Marine water is the saline water, more salt dissolved water. That is the 97% of the total water. Fresh water is less salt dissolved water, and it is 3% of the total water. However, only one percent of the hydrosphere is available for drinking.

Forms of the water

The planet earth holds all the three forms of the water. On the earth, 98% of the water is in form of liquid and 2% is solid, glaciers of the south and north pole. And the liquid form of it is exchangeable and turns into gaseous form, as the clouds and moisture.

Importance of water

Water is one of the most essential component of life. Human body is consist of 70% of water. And the functions of basic life are impossible without it. In this era, every nation is trying to gain economical prosperity from their production, agricultural and industrial. In production of anything, water plays the most important role. And the water used in industry or agricultural land is known as virtual water.